About Us


Delilah Martinez, Owner of VIP Paints

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. VIP Paints is woman owned stared 2013

Started 2013 in Chicago.

My name is Delilah, born and raised in Chicago. Lived in California and Texas prior to moving back to start my first business. While living in Dallas I was inspired by the art at Dallas Art Museum and started to take painting classes. I’ve always been an artist at heart, painting resparked my interest in starting my own painting workshops. I was craving to create and had my own art room where I would spend many hours creating paintings. My mom and grandmother were creatives and were multi-talented in arts and crafts so this creative blood is embedded in me.

My admiration for entrepreneurial world led me taking a leap of faith and deciding to move back to my hometown Chicago to start a paint and sip business. Loving the feeling I get when I create. I suddenly had the urge to create an environment where adults came to relax and paint by themselves, on a date, with friends or family.

Originally starting in my apartment, I started with a few friends and family members attending the sip and paint classes. After the word of mouth got out we started selling more and more ticket eventually selling out in my small apartment. Soon after I rented a second apartment temporarily to host double classes. After all the double bookings my apartment manger said we can no longer have the public come inside the building.

My first official store started in Pilsen on Halsted street. Pilsen is a community very dear to my heart for many reasons, most importantly my family being from the Pilsen neighborhood.

Becoming one with the community I quickly emerged myself into the neighborhood. Each year growing and expanding with getting a second store. Being part of the art world I started to host art exhibitions for artists that I worked at VIP Paints.

After a bunch of art shows I named the gallery, Vault Gallerie

Vault Gallerie is currently 4 years old in 2021. Along the four year span I’ve had the honor of working with many talented amazing artists. Every month we change installations at Vault Gallerie featuring new and established artists from all over.

Along with Vault Gallerie I founded a nonprofit called the The Mural Movement, started June 2020. I started to organize murals on board ups and store fronts. The movement was started as a way for creatives and myself to use our voices through murals and supporting the message Black Lives Matter and Black and Brown Unity. Our focus is to beautify underserved communities, provide resources and opprotunities. We are currently at 166 murals, located in Chicago, Milwaukee, Indiana, New York and San Diego.

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